ASG are proud to now be an Engineering and Construction Industry Trade Body (ECITB) Approved Provider. Our instructors are professional engineers and aviators drawn from both industry and all three military services and deliver a first class training environment. We include 'in person tuition' and 'all flying instruction you could want' on the latest equipment. If your organisation has a group of at least 3 learners and a suitable location for indoor classroom and outdoor practical training, we will run the course at your location. Please use the Ask ASG.... live chat button below.

Foundation UAS Course - £2,330 inc VAT
(5 days attendance in Fonthill Bishop - SP3)
Advanced UAS Course - TBC inc VAT
(? days attendance in Fonthill Bishop - SP3)

Why use ASG for your ECITB UAS training?
Aviation Systems Group (ASG) are a newly Approved Training Provider (ATP) and now offering the Foundation Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Course.
ECITB 'levy paying' organisations can claim 'grant' against the cost of the ECITB UAS course. Their remit is to support UK Industry in upskilling the UK workforce, so this course could be a little cost to an organisation.
The course aims to provide a standardised benchmark for remote pilots who intend to operate drones in complex engineering and construction environments.
The course content was designed in collaboration with leading industrial users of drones and aims to bridge the knowledge gaps that exist when moving from general drone operations to industrial drone operations.
Companies who wish to contract drone services will use this ECITB course as a benchmark to simplify the procurement process.
The course is particulary suitable for remote pilots who wish to move into industrial use of drones and for ECI companies who wish their operatives to begin to use drones as part of site operations.
It is a pre-requisite for the Advanced UAS course that is currently in development.
Attendees should already hold a CAA GVC, but we are able to combine the two courses if you are an experienced military UAS operator looking to progress into the ECI domain.
This course is also ideal for PfCO qualified Operators already in the ECI domain who have not yet carried out their PfCO to GVC conversion. We will award the GVC to any PfCO qualified attendee on the Foundation UAS Course, subject to successful exam and flight assessment.
Our UAS Services Director and Chief Instructor are higlhly experienced in the Aviation Sector. Both are ex-UK military aircrew with over 60 years of military (Fleet Air Arm and Army Air Corps, supporting the Royal Marines and RAF Central Flying School) and civil (NPAS Police Senior Pilot) experience, but our UAS Services Director is also a highly experienced Chartered Engineer with significant experience of managing and operating in complex industrial installations, ships, aircraft maintenance organisations, with complex hazard sets.
Many of our other instructors are also veterans, with military aircrew backgrounds from all three services, predominantly on Rotary aircraft and also UAS / RPAS serving also in 700X Naval Air Squadron. A number of our part-time staff are also current military reservists or current civil aircrew.
Please call us or use the Ask ASG live chat function below.
To Reserve a place on the Foundation UAS Course:
Click on the course details buttons above
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Select the date of the course and add to your basket
Click on the basket and proceed to the checkout
Select UK in the Shipping and Taxes area for VAT to be added
Pay online in the webstore via credit/debit card or,
Select Manual Payment to pay by BACS - we will invoice you directly